I've been so fucking busy its not even funny. Sleep, work, drink, sleep, work, drink. Its facking rediculus and i need a change of pace. I leave at 7:30 in the morning and get back at 6:30, cept for friday and saturday when i get home at 5::30, and sunday when i am free.

I've been hanging out down on 5th street more and more...
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legbone is playing an outdoor show @ the tipp city park tommorrow, show runs from like 4ish till 10 or 11 if you arent busy. i think me & JennyMac will be there...then we are heading to a partee for some drinky drink!
here's the deal.
1 Punknite is sweet. I had to jet before legbone, which sucks, but i've seen them 10,000,000 times and i had other stuff to do. The other bands were incredible, and i'm plan on keeping an eye out for when they play again.

2 I bought my first motorcycle today. Its a 73 honda that needs a lot of work. I'm also...
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I'm sorry I didn't get an opportunity to meet you at PunkNite frown The bands were awesome though. I was one of the drunks in the other room most of the show though. I got in the pit for part of the Legbone show, at least until my foot and ankle couldn't take anymore. maybe I'll get to meet you next time around smile
you should have come...we got in for free! and land of the dead kicked ass!!!

next punk nite which is saturday sept. 3rd will have legbone, systematic shock (formerly bouncing bettie) + lumberjack death squad plus 1 more tba. should be another rockin show!!!
I never have time to update, and this is no exception. But i did see an amazing show friday. Plan it X Fest is incredible, check it out in bloomington next month.
are u coming out to punk nite on july 2nd in troy? its legbone's troy cd release...should be killer just like all the past ones have been!
Haven't updated in a while, and i realy don't have time to now, but what the hell. finals week is here and i'm super excited to be done with school for the summer. i don't know exactly how i managed to get through this quarter, but thats ok. I'm expecting to rock some A's and B's, which will be a nice payoff for all of...
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next punk nite is saturday july 2nd...hope you can make it!
happy bday man...hope your 21st is a good one! now go get drunk! biggrin
Ok, its been a long ass time since i updated, but thats not my fault. On friday the 13th a storm came through and killed the internet. It just started working again today. Woohoo!! i have connections to the outside world again.

Anyway. Punknite punched ass! Keep it up Mike! I'll be there. My review:
The Skankingtons: Look out for these guys an about six...
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dude, thats an awesome review! thanks!!! and you really think its the single best local show you've been to? thats such a huge compliment...thanks again!

next punk nite is saturday july 2nd!
Its been way too long since i've done this. Thaks for the reminder Punkydoll.

For starters I've been a raging insomniac for the past five days and finally got a decent nights sleep last night. I'm not sure what my problem is, but I've been either laying awake till dawn, or having fucked up dreams and waking up 20 times throughout the night.

I've been...
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actually, tonight is the independents! then tommorrow is gilby clarke! saturday is just gonna be killer, i cant wait! and depending on how i feel & what im doing, i may try to make that show on sunday too!

dude, im always supporting the scene!
Did you go to the show last night at Elbo's? I was there!
Well, its time for a real update. Things have been going alright lately. I've pretty much fallen into a weekly routine(which i hate), but it seems to be working out for me. I don't hate college and i don't love it. Its just what i'm doin g right now.

I went to an incredible show last night at bernies distillery in columbus. Fort Heaven was...
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SG Dayton-Cincy group, go join!

did ya get the flyers distributed?
you should update wink heheh
Fuck, i wrote a fairly long update, but my computer has been fucked by spyware, so i accedently closed the window trying to kill all that shit. That fucking sucks. Anyway I'll rewrite it tomorrow. Its getting kinda late so i'm out.
no biggie...just dont miss the show up in troy on may 14th, cause you will regret it!
hehe i hate it when that happens... but i always take the time to rewrite it... i have nothing else to do with my time... and thanks for the compliment on my work...
Update mothafucka!

I went back to work today. Some springbreak i'm going to get this year. 8-6 out in the cold and rain for the rest of the week. I got one grade in so far. It was a 64% that my prof was nice enough to make a C.

Big decisions are a scary fucking thing. I changed my major to social science education....
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yeah...and the 'punk nite blowout' on may 14th is shaping up to be quite the show...i think i have like 11 SGs already on the guestlist...this show is gonna be killer! and u thought that room is packed in those pics you saw on my journal, wait till ya see may 14th!!!

what strip club might u be working at?
I'm glad I can sleep after a long and very fucked up night. drunks should not operate microwaves and tosters. jusus fucking christ. I thought i was going to have to punch some of my good friends...anyway....cheers
you should try to join us tommorrow nite for guys nite out, even if its just for our dinner, hit me up for details!
Still sucking in school, but fuck all that for now. This weeked was pretty amazing. I didn't really do anything exceptional, actually i missed a badass show saturday that i would have really loved to go to. Things between me and my grilfrind suck right now too, but fuck all that for now too. This past weekend was a taste of spring, and i liked...
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Two more weeks till the end of this horrible quarter...horray for spring break...horray for working all week...fuck, anybody got a gun?
so you know & have been to punk nite before? dude, the show saturday was unbelievable, probably the best show ive done since last march. but mark your calendar, saturday may 14th is the next one...and this one is gonna be even bigger that the one i just had.

and dont worry man, punk nite will never die as long as im around!

u should come to guys nite out on saturday the 12th, good times plus you can meet some of the SG peeps!

do ya chat on aim? im PunkNiteMike, hit me up sometime!