Ok...after 30 days this just in: the new girl is fucking BEAUTIFUL but crazy! I mean that completely in the certifiable sense. I should run fast, right? Never looking back, right? Uh huh. I had wished for: 1) a nice, straight, married woman with no strings attached <lesbians sometimes want too much and I didn't think I had much to give>, 2) beautiful and feminine, 3) adoring, 4) someone to bring my swagger back after getting out of an 11 year relationship.
What did I get: turns out crazy C is married...to a woman...now getting a divorce. Wanted me sexually, then didn't because she's too emotional about her divorce. Come on people! Back me up here: if you're fooling around with your shirts off...what comes next? We're fucking adults here. If you haven't have sex in 4 YEARS by your WIFE get over your craziness and let's go. I don't bite, hard. And I'm a good person.
The worst part: I feel like part of my swagger just up and split!!! Help ladies and gents. This sucks. ASS!
Moral: watch what you wish you...and be SPECIFIC for god's sake!!!
What did I get: turns out crazy C is married...to a woman...now getting a divorce. Wanted me sexually, then didn't because she's too emotional about her divorce. Come on people! Back me up here: if you're fooling around with your shirts off...what comes next? We're fucking adults here. If you haven't have sex in 4 YEARS by your WIFE get over your craziness and let's go. I don't bite, hard. And I'm a good person.
The worst part: I feel like part of my swagger just up and split!!! Help ladies and gents. This sucks. ASS!
Moral: watch what you wish you...and be SPECIFIC for god's sake!!!

~ I have a request Chirpy, if the spirit moves you. I do a cancer fundraiser bike ride each year: Bicycles Battling Cancer, click on the link and you can read my story. If you wouldn't mind, make a separate blog post, a shout out to me and the ride, and direct your friends to my SG Blog page: Eyesplice