so the nutcracker was less than I hoped for, and more than PornStarGuy had imagined, so the reality was kinda mediocre-ish. still love the sugar plum fairies tho. five year olds tripping over waxed floors. so fucking cute. apparently there will be an outing to the festival of lights and watching of emmett otter's jugband christmas with elmcitydrunk and anyone else who chooses to show up...
there's this push going on to force me to like christmas. so that's new. still trying to think of gifts for my nearest and dearest. ok. for one person. my family doesn't so much shop for each other as write down specifically what we'd like, then the catalog page, issue, etc. this looking for gifts thing is kinda nerve wracking. and there's never enough time. my honey is sickly, so if you want to swing by his page and send love, I'm sure he'd welcome some....

We are kidnapping Jed this Thursday night and taking him to Kahoots in East Hartford for his going away party , I also posted this on the SGCT group page

oh god no. I can't squeeze Myself into those tights and prance across a stage like they do...I have more dignity