hey hey, slightly more aligned with everyone today...pretty damn cheerful too. sorry. I'll work on that. I got me a J-O-B. If you say it the right way it rhymes...I will be working for the man. well, starbucks. they do own everything and sway a lot of the world. and stock options! woo hoo! for those of you who aren't WelnTaod, there will be another message further down...
ok, the other message...I got fucked dry.
there is not another thing to add there. just goddamn. the problem is, I'm getting this pesky soft spot for him. like with talking and hand holding and cute stuff...I think we both abandoned not doing all of that at the same time, because it just happens. and feels really good. to elmcitydrunk, he keeps telling me not to apologize. he is so quietly sweetly attentive, it's kinda hard not to be digging on him. so there's that...
ok, the other message...I got fucked dry.

hi hon! sounds like you're back in the swing of things, so to speak. good for you. don't be mad, but guess where we ended up for our aniversary trip... Cedar Point. said hi to snoppy for you. read my post for the general update. hugs!

december 4th