Rain, rain, rain..
What's new today. I went to a syntax class. Fun. I went to an acoustic phonetics class. Fun as well. We got to play with straws. The prof jumps around a lot and when his pager went off in middle of class, said it was to confirm that he was going to be fitting Shania Twain's earphone monitors for her concert. I believe him.
I had a meeting scheduled for tonight, but when I got to the place, no one was there, and no one was at the alternate location either.
Ever been afraid that your partner might die and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it? It ain't fun.

What's new today. I went to a syntax class. Fun. I went to an acoustic phonetics class. Fun as well. We got to play with straws. The prof jumps around a lot and when his pager went off in middle of class, said it was to confirm that he was going to be fitting Shania Twain's earphone monitors for her concert. I believe him.
I had a meeting scheduled for tonight, but when I got to the place, no one was there, and no one was at the alternate location either.

Ever been afraid that your partner might die and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it? It ain't fun.

That is one awesome member name!

Oooooh. You get to do all the fun linguistics stuff. I'm horribly jealous. I somehow keep ending up doing sociolinguistics and applied linguistics, both of which I find incredibly boring.