Bettina Requests:
"I really need your help today!! My best friend has been in the RCF at Fort Sill, OK for over six months because the US Army lost his discharge paperwork after he served in Iraq, and charged him wrongfully with AWOL. He has a kick-ass new lawyer who is working for free because he wants to fight this injustice, and now he needs a bunch of letters of support. My friend Robert Giles is an amazing guitarist in a bunch of hardcore bands, and has been straightedge his whole life. He also went veg while in prison, how tough is that? Here we are at a fancy party in Houston TX, one of the last times I saw him before he was arrested.

Here is a sample letter, so all you have to do is copy and past this into an email, enter your name and forward it to no later than APRIL 7th!! That's just a couple days away, so please take a minute to help him get his life back!
To Whom it May Concern,
I have come to know of Robert Giles through _________________. From all the effort his friends and family have put into spreading the word about his plight, I can tell that he is the sort of person who is well-loved by all who meet him. He is also blessed with a supportive and loving family who stay in close contact with him and his friends.
Whereas many people in a situation similar to his would expect to lose touch with many friends, old and new, Robert has not only stayed in contact with all of his close friends, he has received many letters from old friends who he hasnt heard from since high school, his service in Iraq, basic training, and old band mates. He has also made many new friends from people who have heard of his situation, or know of him through acquaintances, all of whom want to show their support and offer friendship for this difficult period.
Many lives have been affected by Roberts incarceration, and he is missed by everyone who knows him. We are all hoping and praying for his swift return to our lives. He is a positive influence on those around him, living, as he always has, a life free of drugs and alcohol, and has never had a run-in with the law before this incident. He is a positive role model, not only for the youth of the local music scene, but for his peers too. With Roberts broad network of supportive friends, family and co-workers, it is assured that he will make his transition to everyday life easily and as seamlessly as possible.
Your Name Here"
"I really need your help today!! My best friend has been in the RCF at Fort Sill, OK for over six months because the US Army lost his discharge paperwork after he served in Iraq, and charged him wrongfully with AWOL. He has a kick-ass new lawyer who is working for free because he wants to fight this injustice, and now he needs a bunch of letters of support. My friend Robert Giles is an amazing guitarist in a bunch of hardcore bands, and has been straightedge his whole life. He also went veg while in prison, how tough is that? Here we are at a fancy party in Houston TX, one of the last times I saw him before he was arrested.

Here is a sample letter, so all you have to do is copy and past this into an email, enter your name and forward it to no later than APRIL 7th!! That's just a couple days away, so please take a minute to help him get his life back!
To Whom it May Concern,
I have come to know of Robert Giles through _________________. From all the effort his friends and family have put into spreading the word about his plight, I can tell that he is the sort of person who is well-loved by all who meet him. He is also blessed with a supportive and loving family who stay in close contact with him and his friends.
Whereas many people in a situation similar to his would expect to lose touch with many friends, old and new, Robert has not only stayed in contact with all of his close friends, he has received many letters from old friends who he hasnt heard from since high school, his service in Iraq, basic training, and old band mates. He has also made many new friends from people who have heard of his situation, or know of him through acquaintances, all of whom want to show their support and offer friendship for this difficult period.
Many lives have been affected by Roberts incarceration, and he is missed by everyone who knows him. We are all hoping and praying for his swift return to our lives. He is a positive influence on those around him, living, as he always has, a life free of drugs and alcohol, and has never had a run-in with the law before this incident. He is a positive role model, not only for the youth of the local music scene, but for his peers too. With Roberts broad network of supportive friends, family and co-workers, it is assured that he will make his transition to everyday life easily and as seamlessly as possible.
Your Name Here"
Thank you so much for reposting this!
Anything to help and BTW that pic of Bettina is effing awesome.