My first tattoo was my female foo dog/shi shi/chinese lion/what have you. It resides on my left forearm.
I got this tattoo when I was 18. It was done in one sitting, 7 hours. Both of my lions were paid for by my parents, as a reward for allowing my scars to heal. I have what was at the time a crippling social anxiety disorder and would frequently pick at scratches on my arms, not allowing them to heal. This led people to believe I was self-mutilating; in a way I guess I was.
Both lions were designed by an amazing artist known as Beastofoblivion on deviantart. I own the original watercolor pieces and they were custom made for myself.
As a young girl I lived in Korea for about 2.5 years. I loved it there and was fascinated with the folklore. Outside the temples, and the town we lived in, these creatures frequently stood watch. It was comforting. There was always a pair, male and female, mind and body, offensive and defensive. Balance.
Here you can see my scrawny 18 year old arm and my first tattoo in its brand new glory! I am starting to think it may need a touch up... it's so faded now!
@missy @rambo