DAYUM! Adventures a plenty these past few weeks! Just got back from EDC in Las Vegas on Tuesday- I am so glad to be home. I had a TON of fun, but I'm definitely ready to hibernate for a good while haha. I got some quality babe time with @indi and I finally met @lucid after so many long years of waiting. I think I've mentioned before how I've been following her on tumblr for yearsssss and how she was a huge inspiration for me to follow my dreams anll that :3 yeah. It's kind of a huge deal. It blows my fucking mind how much she impacted my life and I only just now met her. Damn. Social networking is cool, man. I also had the pleasure of meeting @cdo and I am so so so excited to go back to Vegas to shoot with him. So I guess that means see you soon Vegas... ;)
Finally totally settled into my new place- feels good man. Setting more time aside for blogging, shooting, exploring, and doing whatever the fuck I want! HOOZAH! Enjoy this picture of my derpy little child:

Yet there are still afternoons that I sit and play Skyrim all day... gotta find a balance <3
My newest set shot by @alissa is coming out on Sunday the 6th, titled "Dylan" I'm really excited for you to scope it! (Don't know what's up with these borders but whateverrrrr)
Also, I ran into @ravana_ at warped tour the other day! I went on a whim the day after I got back from Vegas and man I'm so stoked I did! She's such a cutie oh my gaaaaaad (I saw her from afar and I thought to myself "Who's this chick with Ravana's tattoos?" Oh wait, that is her. I didn't recognize her hair haha)

Thanks for sticking around guys, I know I've been MIA for a while and I definitely intend to change it. Psyched to announce the super early planing stages of a trip back to Vegas, and I would love to pack in a TON of shooting and a TON of babe hangs! Going to shoot with @adamsaperture again reaaaaaaal soon, too! Stay tuned loves!