There are times when it's no so bad to get a sudden bout of insomnia, this unfortunately isn't one of those times.
Anyway I'm currently up Helsinki way, lying on my friend's couch staring at the ceilling. Helsinki's chilled, laid back and lots of fun. She also has a very cute polish housemate
but considering the last guest who stayed (her sis) jumped one of her house mates (he actually went to Tallinn today to meet up with said sister, and looked pretty damn happy about it) plus I'm shy and incompetent and have the timing of a angry, flea ridden skunk who's just ran into a pack of rabid starving wolves this may not be the best of ideas, plus it's me I've got absolutely no idea how said housemate feels about me at all and I'm leaving on Monday.
Anyway I'm currently up Helsinki way, lying on my friend's couch staring at the ceilling. Helsinki's chilled, laid back and lots of fun. She also has a very cute polish housemate

Insomnia in Finland,you should go and check out the Northern Lights (they have those up Finland way yeah ?)
I hear you had a hair cut.Tell me its not so.