Not a good day. Got into work three hours early, spent the whole day suffering from 4 hours of sleep and not being in the mood to deal with customer service people/sales people/anyone normally I would just brush off the idiots and hang up on them, today I was just really prickly.
Example conversation
Example conversation
Normally I don't let this get to me, I just dead-pan them then hang up, but its been a long day, I had to yell at a customer, because he was yelling at me (I don't normally deal with customers, I suspect he will complain, he can go fuck himself).
+ I'm going to get home too late to make my lunch, meaning I'm going to spend more money on food I can't afford.
Dear god, give me rest.

Hope you get some time to rest soon mate!

Aw... I hope you got some rest at the least... I hate people sometimes...