So confused went from doing nothing to constantly doing stuff back to not so constantly doing stuff, from getting up late to getting up early, to getting up at all hours.
Anyway Saw Control, fantastic movie, it had that hideously ambiguous feel to it that I love so much, but still... interesting to note that one of the producers was the ex wife and it was based on a story she wrote, really even handed in its portrayal of Ian Curtis and the people around him
Also saw No country for Old Men, extremely graphic, but now I have to read the book that it was based on, so thoroughly uncomfortable to watch, fantastic though. All I can say was I don't get uncomfortable watching films that often but those two ticked me (maybe its just my nerves)
Saw Golden Compass on New years day, and to my surprise actually enjoyed it. I can see a lot of comparisons to the Snow Queen, but since it goes somewhere else from here, that doesn't offend me at all, nice to see a female protagonist who wasn't defined purely by this fact, dear god it's been a while.
New years wasn't bad, I did have to drop my pants for a short while (stupid drinking game, still kept my underwear on, otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it). Also involved me deciding that I wanted to do the Zoidberg impersonation down the street with two other people, ended up with about 2/3 of the party deciding that they wanted in as well, so we had about 10 to 12 people running down the road wooping with sparklers. In my case I also scuttled, I don't recommend scuttling for about 1 km it hurts your back.
Didn't drink too much, so I was okay, anyway hope everyone had a a good one.

Anyway Saw Control, fantastic movie, it had that hideously ambiguous feel to it that I love so much, but still... interesting to note that one of the producers was the ex wife and it was based on a story she wrote, really even handed in its portrayal of Ian Curtis and the people around him
Also saw No country for Old Men, extremely graphic, but now I have to read the book that it was based on, so thoroughly uncomfortable to watch, fantastic though. All I can say was I don't get uncomfortable watching films that often but those two ticked me (maybe its just my nerves)
Saw Golden Compass on New years day, and to my surprise actually enjoyed it. I can see a lot of comparisons to the Snow Queen, but since it goes somewhere else from here, that doesn't offend me at all, nice to see a female protagonist who wasn't defined purely by this fact, dear god it's been a while.
New years wasn't bad, I did have to drop my pants for a short while (stupid drinking game, still kept my underwear on, otherwise I probably wouldn't have done it). Also involved me deciding that I wanted to do the Zoidberg impersonation down the street with two other people, ended up with about 2/3 of the party deciding that they wanted in as well, so we had about 10 to 12 people running down the road wooping with sparklers. In my case I also scuttled, I don't recommend scuttling for about 1 km it hurts your back.
Didn't drink too much, so I was okay, anyway hope everyone had a a good one.

I saw A23 last night. As you know.
And it was. Good. Promise. Not like-amazing-VNV Nation-good. But it was a good show. The support acts were really interesting and I danced, and danced and danced some more.
Encore was Disappoint. Which, did not disappoint. It was great.
Tracks included but weren't limited to: Sorry, Raw, Binary, I am the Rain, Naked and You Haven't Earned It.
New Years was awesome. Re and I had a brainwave. She already told you though.
You could see the dress then, lol!
What ever happened to that girl you were crushing on in your class?