Friday night was interesting...
Caitilin's Communist Party, 1 1/2 (small) kegs, plus a bottle of cheap russian vodka, and a game of I never *sigh* in which I had to explain 3/4 of the things I was I nevering too, to our lovely host. Caitilin (on the right)

seen here with the lovely Kristy
Pol Pot was apparently the guest of honour at the party.
though really it was in honour of this bloke, Caitilin's recently arrived (thus jet lagged, and probably thoroughly rogered american beau)
That wasn't the interesting bit, well yeah. Put it this way, 5 people can't divide that much alcohol without it going pear shaped. I got about 3 hours sleep before I had to charge off to this girl's birthday drinks
whilst in costume for the ball that night (so bracers, and purple lace kind of tie), feeling distinctly anti-social and kind of wrecked, ran into morgannahh for the first time since the ball weekend. Drank some more, and then went to dinner at Don-Don's, great little find, cheap and decent japanese food, then charged off from there to the Swing Patrol Performance Ball.
Poor girl, definitely not her best angle, sums up my feelings in relation to the night.
Anyway more shots below
They had a "show girls" group that was basically burlesque for conservative arthritic Christians (but they are by their nature quite conservative overall), enough interesting routines. Chatted to a couple of people, danced poorly with a hell of a lot of people, tried and failed to chat someone up (actually failed is a polite way of putting it), went home, cost me $50 fucking bucks.
Went out Sunday afternoon for Rami's PHD drinks. Then went from there to Spanish on the 80 meals trip.
with milk indeed...
Anyway that's was/is my weekend, busy but...frustrating.
Yes i do indeed bringing down said mariachi band,mainly to compensate for my lack of social skills..when an awkward moment arrives i signal them,they start playing & people look at them as i duck out..cunning yes ?
How is the apocalypse treating you?