Good mood slowly get chipped away at. *Shrug* So it goes.
Working on birthday piece for friend, working out who to ask (and whether they'll run around screaming, either literally and/or in their heads) to partner up with me for the swing patrol performance. *shrugs* again.
Edit: Asked one of two girls I really wanted to ask, I think she said yes because she didn't know how to say no
No seriously, I feel kind of bad, but she intrigues me (I can't figure her out), she's cute, she's not part of any of the cliques in Swing Patrol and when she's relaxed she's good to dance with. I'll be intrigued to see who the other is paired up with (she is part of that main clique)
I'm pretty certain that girl who I ask was running away screaming in her head though
Possibly I'm just paranoid, still.
Living relatively cheap this week been eating pork and fennel sausage soup all weekend, Just about to run out (which is bad), but got a couple of cans of tin muck in the pantry, might eat that now, and save the good soup for tomorrow when I finish the classes, I'll need it. I'm getting rather good at catching my mouse before it runs off the dodgey computer desk. One day, the damn thing is going to stop leaning and just BREAK. Maybe look in freezer, try to do something with the remaining lentils and the chicken stock.
Food, glorious food.
Working on birthday piece for friend, working out who to ask (and whether they'll run around screaming, either literally and/or in their heads) to partner up with me for the swing patrol performance. *shrugs* again.
Edit: Asked one of two girls I really wanted to ask, I think she said yes because she didn't know how to say no

I'm pretty certain that girl who I ask was running away screaming in her head though

Living relatively cheap this week been eating pork and fennel sausage soup all weekend, Just about to run out (which is bad), but got a couple of cans of tin muck in the pantry, might eat that now, and save the good soup for tomorrow when I finish the classes, I'll need it. I'm getting rather good at catching my mouse before it runs off the dodgey computer desk. One day, the damn thing is going to stop leaning and just BREAK. Maybe look in freezer, try to do something with the remaining lentils and the chicken stock.
Food, glorious food.
Reading up on Zeitgeist I kept seeing "Loose Change" mentioned, which is another docco looking mostly at the overwhelming evidence that the twin towers and building 7 were controlled demolitions. Over the past couple of days I've read and seen similar evidence from a bunch of sources. I'm no engineer, but there's no doubt left in my mind that it wasn't airplane crashes but controlled demolitions that caused those buildings to collapse.
Asking "why?" gets you into some delicious conspiracy theory territory.
Have you ever notice that you can't spell "conspiracy" with "piracy"?