Up in Brisbane, met _Indigo_ and kye for the first time. Both surprised me ( I forgot the rule of the internet the camera can deceive... One was shorter than I thought she would be the other taller, life is full of little surprises. Very grateful to Damnation_game and Lelaina (who also surprised me on that front too, she's shorter than I imagined), but so far everyone in Brisbane is really nice (except morgannahh
Had dinner with Damnation_game, kye and _Indigo_, the man was right about the chicken,
Also finished Slaughter House Five on the way up here, I love that man's energy, he can make his writing feel that way without it feeling overly pacey, neurotic (well not overly), and he manages to have some affection for his characters whilst maintaining a dry wit. Yeah I'm gushing.

Had dinner with Damnation_game, kye and _Indigo_, the man was right about the chicken,
Also finished Slaughter House Five on the way up here, I love that man's energy, he can make his writing feel that way without it feeling overly pacey, neurotic (well not overly), and he manages to have some affection for his characters whilst maintaining a dry wit. Yeah I'm gushing.
How you been keeping? Behaving yourself I hope!