Twice I've had to sit through the soul-destroying/stomach churning/brain cell reducing trailer for the Bratz movie. It's almost worth it just to read the reviews of the poor bastards who had to sit through the entire thing.
I've been pissing myself laughing since I opened the email. Thank you Mr. Ryan for one of the most funny things I've seen for week. (considerably funnier than Shelly the Republican which is saying a lot). Particularly like the first two reviews.
Yeah, I was once called a hypocrite cos I had said something but a guest visiting the place I was renting did the oposite. That got to me cos I was being held responcible for someone elces actions.
Yeah, I used to work at a video store and every Wednesday the Onion would be dropped off and some people didn't know what it was and would get really offended by the headlines. It was nice to have it around when I got bored, too.