Less than 9 hours and counting...
Caught up with Charles because the SOB decided to move from Ringwood back to the city. Basically Adam and I hauled all his crap (and it was a lot of crap) back to an apartment block along Swanston. The man is a pat rack.
Oh yeah MissShell, tell that housemate of yours, she really manage to surprise me, and that sometimes I shouldn't look too closely at someone's LJ post.

Caught up with Charles because the SOB decided to move from Ringwood back to the city. Basically Adam and I hauled all his crap (and it was a lot of crap) back to an apartment block along Swanston. The man is a pat rack.
Oh yeah MissShell, tell that housemate of yours, she really manage to surprise me, and that sometimes I shouldn't look too closely at someone's LJ post.

You're right, she does raise interesting points, but they are always colored with her own personal bias. It's annoying and frustrating. She calls sexism on everything, even when it has nothing to do with being sexist, it's just that the target happens to be female. Everything is about being a girl. Everything is about being a fucking feminazi and being the victim. The victim?! For someone who decries the lack of equality around here you'd think she'd point out the ways in which women are strong more often and not point out all the wrongs done to them ALL the time. If you want a person to be equal to another then prove they deserve it. Yep, I'm a bitch and I don't care. Not everyone is equal to me because some people really are low. So if you don't want women, as a whole, to be seen as such, prove they are better than that. And she comes back with such useless little insults when she can't think of anything to defend herself with anymore. The real gold with her is watching her respond to people in the comments, not just her articles that are so slanted they're like a seesaw caught with a four hundred pound women on one end and a fifty pound little boy on the other.
Most people in my the Human Services industry have not had any formal training. Funnily enough though, they do have all the "right" policies in place (most of the time), they just arnt adhered to.
There are some fantastic theories in this sector too, that have ways in which to support those in need through the process of change to get them to where they want/need to be rather than using old theories which are about, getting funding for 6 months, helping those in need for a while, the funding bodies then see that problem as "fixed" which leads to the decision that the funding is no longer required to be renewed. Service closes. One big draining circle.
The workers hold so much responcibility and power in the way this system is run... but yeah, most are patronising and demanding rather than client focused.
Its a botched system.