I know yet another fucking post, but this will be short and shweet...
Four things
1) Had the day op, hoping for the all clearish(all just be clear on what's a happenin, thanks for all the well-wishing and thinking of you, it was appreciated) had this odd moment post op where I had conscious thought but no other senses...
2) Hungarian woman have gorgeous eyes

3)Maeve O'Maera kicks arse
4) and this shouldn't be funny but so definitely is
James Brown Fans you have be warned
Four things
1) Had the day op, hoping for the all clearish(all just be clear on what's a happenin, thanks for all the well-wishing and thinking of you, it was appreciated) had this odd moment post op where I had conscious thought but no other senses...
2) Hungarian woman have gorgeous eyes

3)Maeve O'Maera kicks arse
4) and this shouldn't be funny but so definitely is
James Brown Fans you have be warned
Going out to Midsummas with a friend tonight.
Your picnic sounds lovely. Where are you going?
I would love to go on a picnic sometime soon....
Oh and what was that bloody dvd again? Universe of china?