The first part of the weekend
That left Sunday. It started so well. We all drove down to Poet's Lane (Sherbrook way), for a friends wedding. Cute ceremony, lots of dancing, alcohol etc. There were a group of us there from when they'd met (doing Uni theatre) so the show they met in came up at least six times (too many, shit show). Great to see everyone again. Lots of couples, lots of mushy couple music (what'd you expect, its a wedding?) anyway in our little group there were six couples and six singles. The couples had a good time and each of the singles seem to deal with it differently. Phil did his siddle-up dance to every girl, Sam just looked bemused when half the guys cracked onto her, Nicola didn't care, Imo and I noted the fact that it felt a little weird, maybe a little lonely and moved on.
Anyway that left Lisa. Lisa broke up with a boy about a year and half ago and still isn't over it and her solution is drink herself into oblivion whenever the mood takes her. She looked out at the couples got depressed and begin to solve this in her usual way, knowing she has a tendency to vomit, knowing she had a long winding drive back with two other people in the backseat and she had eaten a rich meal with lots of desert. I remember staring at her about half way through the night thinking "oh fuck I know how this ends". Sure enough when the night ends, we are about halfway back to my place and Lisa wakes up (out of her alcohol induced stupor) and pukes, in the car, all over the back seat, and then got out and puked around the car. I might have sympathy if this hadn't happened before but it has. I felt nothing but disdain.
I know he hurt her but it was a year and half ago and others of us could have been depressed but we were happy for our friends, we were happy to see our other friends happy and we got the fuck over it. How is repeatdly drowning your sorrows dealing with it? Is it carthatic? Is it to cause harm to yourself? Then please don't do it by ripping your insides out and emptying them over others. I'm growing more cold but its just, if you're whacking yourself on the head with a stick and you won't stop yourself regardless of what people tell you, or when people ask you to, or when you know you're hurting yourself and you haven't tried to stop. I'm going to leave to your flagellation. I'll be there to help if you want to stop, but you have find a reason for yourself. Its not my job, so I feel no sympathy for someone who just thrown up over people, in someone's car (AGAIN) and knew it was going to happen. Quit feeling sorry for yourself.