Fuck, I'm bored, still sick and I'm not even a closet nerd. I just watched the entire third season of Bab 5 in two days.
I'm going to cry from laughter.
On the other hand my writing this year is getting better
Apparently however according to the doctor I might be depressed which is why I'm sick. scuse the expression but fuck if I was going to be depressed I would have been depressed last year, when things were really bad (I was). This year has been good.
Duck, Duck,

I'm going to cry from laughter.

On the other hand my writing this year is getting better
Apparently however according to the doctor I might be depressed which is why I'm sick. scuse the expression but fuck if I was going to be depressed I would have been depressed last year, when things were really bad (I was). This year has been good.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my set