So this weekend me and my girl messed around and I swear hand to god that my girl gives the best head ever. She can't take it all but damn all I can think aboutbis that E-40 song "feels like I'm in your pussy when you're sucking my dick". I lose track of all that exsists while she's doing her thing. I sit there some times and think to myself that it's just too good to keep all to myself. I've jokingly asked her about possibly adding another person into the mix but then her OCD kicks in and she talks about diseases. Oh well I guess...
More Blogs
Monday Jul 06, 2009
dammit i messed up and now i cant delete oh well -
Monday Jul 06, 2009
mess up numder 2 go down a blog to see the legit blog -
Monday Jul 06, 2009
So this weekend me and my girl messed around and I swear hand to god … -
Thursday Jul 02, 2009
Im tired of fucking patients telling me one thing and the doctor ano… -
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009
As my New years resoultion i decided to go the whole year without cut… -
Monday Jun 29, 2009
Well, what can I say. I've always loved going against the norm. and t…