My good friend needs your help!
Sushi needs $5000 by next week for her uni fees, She is a dedicated hard working, international nursing student who has to pay ridiculously high uni fees because she is not an australian resident. She needs to raise $5000 by the end of October (yes, thats next week) so that she can continue her uni course which she is just about to finish this year! If she doesn't pass this course then she cannot become an australian resident.
Our friend Steve (Neotokyo) who promotes the new club Bloodlust (at Rogues on Oxford St Sydney) is putting up any profit from the next Bloodlust this Friday 28th Oct as a donation to Sushi's uni fees.
so the more people there the more he can give her... come help her out, she rocks - and so does Steve for doing this!

Sushi needs $5000 by next week for her uni fees, She is a dedicated hard working, international nursing student who has to pay ridiculously high uni fees because she is not an australian resident. She needs to raise $5000 by the end of October (yes, thats next week) so that she can continue her uni course which she is just about to finish this year! If she doesn't pass this course then she cannot become an australian resident.
Our friend Steve (Neotokyo) who promotes the new club Bloodlust (at Rogues on Oxford St Sydney) is putting up any profit from the next Bloodlust this Friday 28th Oct as a donation to Sushi's uni fees.
so the more people there the more he can give her... come help her out, she rocks - and so does Steve for doing this!

Thanks for the compliment on my new tattoo!

I wish I could