welcome to my world where currently every day is fuck yous day!
I am going ot bitch a bit now...
So my car is broken... need brakes and I went to fix them, but I was unaware that I also needed new calipers so it is sitting in my garage at home and I am at the mercy of my friend to get back and forth to work today.
Thank god for the mohawk army =) they are taking great care of me and are willing to go WAY out of their way to pick me up and drop me off... I love you guys
now then back to the bitching... oh yeah, so our grant renewal is due on friday which is a shitload of work (about 50 pages total) that needs to get finished and revised and revised again, and then double checked... well, our printer decided to take a shit this morning which leaves me FUCKED.
Xerox was all like oh yeah that happens to these printers all the time, it is warranteed do worry about it... we will fix it tomorrow or Friday and I am now sweating bullets waiting on them to fix this hsit because we need to print 6 copies of the renewal (300 pages total) for Friday and I don't know how that will happen!
Further, don't tell me to cheer up, I know I am in a bad mood and I am cranky! I am fine with that ok. So either deal or avoid me until later on.
Tomorrow is my birthday, hopefully it will not be as shitty as the rest of the last two weeks has been or I will be one bent angry bitter Fuck!
on a lighter note, party it up and help me relax Friday night at that place we go ok =)
I am going ot bitch a bit now...
So my car is broken... need brakes and I went to fix them, but I was unaware that I also needed new calipers so it is sitting in my garage at home and I am at the mercy of my friend to get back and forth to work today.
Thank god for the mohawk army =) they are taking great care of me and are willing to go WAY out of their way to pick me up and drop me off... I love you guys
now then back to the bitching... oh yeah, so our grant renewal is due on friday which is a shitload of work (about 50 pages total) that needs to get finished and revised and revised again, and then double checked... well, our printer decided to take a shit this morning which leaves me FUCKED.
Xerox was all like oh yeah that happens to these printers all the time, it is warranteed do worry about it... we will fix it tomorrow or Friday and I am now sweating bullets waiting on them to fix this hsit because we need to print 6 copies of the renewal (300 pages total) for Friday and I don't know how that will happen!
Further, don't tell me to cheer up, I know I am in a bad mood and I am cranky! I am fine with that ok. So either deal or avoid me until later on.
Tomorrow is my birthday, hopefully it will not be as shitty as the rest of the last two weeks has been or I will be one bent angry bitter Fuck!
on a lighter note, party it up and help me relax Friday night at that place we go ok =)
Happy Birthday