It's been so long!
Well, maybe not that long but it feels like an eternity since i've been on SG. I kind of got nominated to have a New Year's Party at my place this year. That's fine as my place is a good spot for it. During the course of the night though, a good friend of mine spilled an entire glass of Guinness directly into my keyboard. I wasn't mad, it was an accident but my keyboard was fucked. only the upper right of it would work.
So today it arrived. My shiny new, pristinely white apple keyboard. Typing on it is a joy. It's so smoov yo.
I started painting again. Years ago I was a painting student and part of me started to miss it. I hated when I was doing it in school but not having a moronic professor telling me what to paint and how really has made it enjoyable. It's kind of cliche to say but painting is such a great release for artistic energy. I can paint whatever the fuck I want and nobody can say a damned thing.
I think I'll continue to paint. It's a nice balance to the rigors of design. Painting is just for me, design is for everyone but me at times.
I grew a beard but I think i'm going to shave it off today. I just wanted to see what it was like. A facial hair growth experiment I guess.
It's been so long!
Well, maybe not that long but it feels like an eternity since i've been on SG. I kind of got nominated to have a New Year's Party at my place this year. That's fine as my place is a good spot for it. During the course of the night though, a good friend of mine spilled an entire glass of Guinness directly into my keyboard. I wasn't mad, it was an accident but my keyboard was fucked. only the upper right of it would work.
So today it arrived. My shiny new, pristinely white apple keyboard. Typing on it is a joy. It's so smoov yo.
I started painting again. Years ago I was a painting student and part of me started to miss it. I hated when I was doing it in school but not having a moronic professor telling me what to paint and how really has made it enjoyable. It's kind of cliche to say but painting is such a great release for artistic energy. I can paint whatever the fuck I want and nobody can say a damned thing.
I think I'll continue to paint. It's a nice balance to the rigors of design. Painting is just for me, design is for everyone but me at times.
I grew a beard but I think i'm going to shave it off today. I just wanted to see what it was like. A facial hair growth experiment I guess.

are you off of work for MLK day?
can't wait to see how your paintings are lookin.