Good stress free weekend.
I chilled out on Friday at a friend's house. He's a B-movie buff and we watched an amazingly bad movie called "The Thing with Two Heads." It's a wonderfully bad story about a racist white guy who gets his head transplanted onto a black convict. All you have to know about this movie is that there is a long scene in which the the police chase the 2-headed man (men?) and their doctor friend on a dirtbike. 2 bodies, 3 heads on a dirtbike. It's quite a sight.
Saturday I attended a halloween party. I dressed as a 'grease monkey.' I did this by dressing in typical 'greaser' style: leather coat, jeans, white T-shirt, sunglasses, etc...then to add the monkey part I attached a home-made monkey tail to my behind. It went over fairly well except that everyone just thought I was Tom Cruise from Top Gun. I'm just glad I was pre-katie holmes more sane Tom. We left the party and went to a dive bar that had a KISS coverband. I'm not a huge KISS fan, but I had fun anyways.
Sunday I met the intelligent and radiant Dora for brunch. We received absolutely no service from the staff. I had to flag down a guy who worked there that I knew and get him to wait on us. Which ended up being a good thing because he only charged me for one orange juice instead of our meals.
I gave him a good tip in return. I had a great time conversing with Dora. She's a joy to talk with and we had a great deal in common. Heck, we grew up 10 minutes from eachother! Small world huh?
I chilled out on Friday at a friend's house. He's a B-movie buff and we watched an amazingly bad movie called "The Thing with Two Heads." It's a wonderfully bad story about a racist white guy who gets his head transplanted onto a black convict. All you have to know about this movie is that there is a long scene in which the the police chase the 2-headed man (men?) and their doctor friend on a dirtbike. 2 bodies, 3 heads on a dirtbike. It's quite a sight.
Saturday I attended a halloween party. I dressed as a 'grease monkey.' I did this by dressing in typical 'greaser' style: leather coat, jeans, white T-shirt, sunglasses, etc...then to add the monkey part I attached a home-made monkey tail to my behind. It went over fairly well except that everyone just thought I was Tom Cruise from Top Gun. I'm just glad I was pre-katie holmes more sane Tom. We left the party and went to a dive bar that had a KISS coverband. I'm not a huge KISS fan, but I had fun anyways.
Sunday I met the intelligent and radiant Dora for brunch. We received absolutely no service from the staff. I had to flag down a guy who worked there that I knew and get him to wait on us. Which ended up being a good thing because he only charged me for one orange juice instead of our meals.