Good news..brakes are getting done as we speak, WHEW I'll have my little Jelly car back. I love her and her snowflaked windows and death molding carpet smell. SO yuppers road trip is ON! So my ShitRicky you don't have to be all stressy and worry about me and my darling little lucks get your ass out here so we can drive back together!
So besides being out an entire paycheck on redoing my brakes, life is grand, I couldn't ask for more. I've stumbled into a whole world of goodness and been left with a perma-grin. One happy chikadee signing out for now.
So besides being out an entire paycheck on redoing my brakes, life is grand, I couldn't ask for more. I've stumbled into a whole world of goodness and been left with a perma-grin. One happy chikadee signing out for now.
...gee, i wonder where they could be??
How's things with you?