I think it's about time to update.
Yes the time is now.
I played FF9 yesterday with Desidia, or molly thanks to thursday.
And the jesters and the moogles they are oh so cute.
I have to go to school to do homework before class because the people at my school are fuckheads and failed to inform me of the fashion show this weekend and my dressform got kidnapped, i'm so behind already due to those idiots who decided to steal my lucille.
In other news STEWD's party was awesome, I passed out since I'd been up since 3:30 am with a tiny nap, but not to my dismay in the arms of MEPHAUSTO, such a wonderful boy.
And when I awoke I somehow made myself into an orgy of some sort and decided to finally retreat to the x-boyfriend to go home at 6am.
It twas a good morning indeed except I thought I worked at 5:30 but really it was 2:30 so I was late to work, molly spent all day at my place and molly my kitten had babies, three cute little kittens.
Yes it was an exciting weekend in all.
Yes the time is now.
I played FF9 yesterday with Desidia, or molly thanks to thursday.
And the jesters and the moogles they are oh so cute.
I have to go to school to do homework before class because the people at my school are fuckheads and failed to inform me of the fashion show this weekend and my dressform got kidnapped, i'm so behind already due to those idiots who decided to steal my lucille.
In other news STEWD's party was awesome, I passed out since I'd been up since 3:30 am with a tiny nap, but not to my dismay in the arms of MEPHAUSTO, such a wonderful boy.
And when I awoke I somehow made myself into an orgy of some sort and decided to finally retreat to the x-boyfriend to go home at 6am.
It twas a good morning indeed except I thought I worked at 5:30 but really it was 2:30 so I was late to work, molly spent all day at my place and molly my kitten had babies, three cute little kittens.
Yes it was an exciting weekend in all.
have you seen the super cute picture of us yet? 

that's the second time you left without finishing your beer... booo! booooo! hssssss!