Last night was fun. I went to drawing studio and got to draw a hot girl.
Afterwards I ran into a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages due to conflicting schedules
Then i was off to hang out with Stewd and we went to coffee time and I hyped him up on coffee and he bloomed like a flower or talk alot for that matter. It was much fun. We had an all night movie marathon and we watched swingers, scent of a women and half of pulp fiction. It was a good pick me up compared to the rest of my day.
Afterwards I ran into a bunch of people I haven't seen in ages due to conflicting schedules
Then i was off to hang out with Stewd and we went to coffee time and I hyped him up on coffee and he bloomed like a flower or talk alot for that matter. It was much fun. We had an all night movie marathon and we watched swingers, scent of a women and half of pulp fiction. It was a good pick me up compared to the rest of my day.

things are just plain crap with me, schedule wise. and i am broke. i am in the "process of getting a new job". i swear to fucking jesus that i will email you as soon as possible so we can set up a date

"bloomed like a flower"-- that's hilarious.