From 23476584
Gracias por tu amor en el set bonita <3
Gracias por tu amor en el set bonita <3
gracias por tu apoyo en mi set <3<3
Eres preciosa y super sexy.
Tu si eres preciosa!!😚
But the problem is I am madly in love with AVRORA, I don’t care if she loves other women, and don’t care if she loves other men, when she call me her soulmate I was in love. Tell you the truth I loved the first time I saw her glasses, and just the way she talked at me, makes me melt, I had a lot of women in my life, I don’t understand it but she’s the only one.I guess if I never get to meet her , It doesn’t matter because she made me feel love. To feel love is the greatest feeling ever.Don’t get me wrong I’ve told women I loved them after sex but the feeling goes away. With her I think about her all the time, and want her to ne happy even if it isn’t with me.<3<3<3<3
You are beautiful,I love your hair lips Your tall and young and nice to talk too. <3<3<3 and probably a heart breaker. Whats not to love😍💔💔💔💔😍 Your going to do any think you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks 4 liking my comment.<3<3<3💘💘💘💘💘💘💘Damien
Thanks for likijng my comment onYUX’S Set But your are very beautiful Too. <3<3<3<3💞💞Damien
Thanks for liking my comments Yuxi’s Set.<3<3<3😍💘💘💘💘😍Damien
gracias por tu apoyo preciosa! <3
Now we are waiting for a set ! :)
Gracias por darle amor a mi set mami homunculita! ♥
♥ -♥
Thank you for liking my blog sweety. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Nice eyes and thanks for liking my album
Si es cierto, pero no se si fue por mi que cambio para mal. No se, tal vez es inmadurez o algo. Me duele mucho nunca haber recibido una explicacion, no puedo entender como alguien no se dio cuenta de cuanto me esforce por ella. Mi padre decia que uno tiene que pagar con amor cuando lo recibe, no me puedo imaginar eso. Oportunidades tuve de hacer cosas incorrectas, pero siempre decia "como hacerlo si ella me ama tanto (segun decia ella)". Mi padre es bastante sabio, jaja.
:) sexyyy
Gracias por tu apoyo preciosa! <3
Buenos dias!
very beautiful
beauty :*
thanks alot, for following ;) :) :)
hi ! thanks for the follow <3
thanks for the follow girl!! :)