The Twenty-Ninth Scroll Sixth Verse
Beware the beast man for he is the Devils pawn, alone among Gods primates he kills for sport or lust or greed, yey, he will murder his brother to possess his brothers land, let him not breed in great numbers for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair for he is the harbinger of death.
-planet of the apes
watched Enter the Dragon and Planet of the Apes working on season one of Invader Zim.....yeah your right...i have no life......oh yeah and go see The Incredibles.awesome fucking movie
Beware the beast man for he is the Devils pawn, alone among Gods primates he kills for sport or lust or greed, yey, he will murder his brother to possess his brothers land, let him not breed in great numbers for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, drive him back into his jungle lair for he is the harbinger of death.
-planet of the apes
watched Enter the Dragon and Planet of the Apes working on season one of Invader Zim.....yeah your right...i have no life......oh yeah and go see The Incredibles.awesome fucking movie

[Edited on Nov 12, 2004 9:22PM]