Today I spread avocado all over my face, it actually felt good

I also got some tatt work done, yippee! I am finishing the rest of my sleeve.. the original tattoo is a fractal pattern of chaos and it is blending into more of a structured, organic form with lots and lots of color

I am overwhelmed with reading that I have been putting off....
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i love avocado but i usualy spread it on sandwiches kiss
Happy Halloween
Hope it was a spooky one.
Mine was spent at home... with the new baby.
What a handfull.
* I am 43 shocked

* My first sexual encounter was with a woman, at 16, while one of her female friends watched, who thought I didn't know was watching us. shocked

* I have been to jail 2 times, in Texas frown

* I used to stuff my favorite blanket fuzz up my nose shocked

* I used to pretend that I was Captain...
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Just got home from a Midnight Ridazz 18 mile bicycle ride through downtown L.A. The theme was dead theatre, so I went as the Ghost of Joe Orton, the playwrite. There were about 150 rider maybe 200. Really great ride, I'm pooped and chilling by watching a movie to wind down before going to sleep. Saw an ex g friend, still not over that one....
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I think life is like playing Pitfall... sometimes you can jump the hole... soletimes you need help from a swinging vine and other times ... you fall in and get really hurt.

... I'm so philosophical for a friday. LOL
Today I spread avocado all over my face, it actually felt good smile

I also got some tatt work done, yippee! I am finishing the rest of my sleeve.. the original tattoo is a fractal pattern of chaos and it is blending into more of a structured, organic form with lots and lots of color biggrin

I am overwhelmed with reading that I have been putting off. I have to think about things alot before I do them.

I have let go a little more of the ex-girlfriend idea...I'm wasting my time pining over her..goddamn I'm so sick of that, maybe this is what it takes to let go . I have been holding on to an illusion, not based in reality, a fantasy and I am ready to accept the reality of it never happening, hello blackeyed I think I'll stop now.
My birthday was okay - I got a massage - that was great! Sold a piece of furniture - that was good, I needed money for books and I needed more space//I had a date but decided to stay in instead//Its like I got weirded out by my birthday and felt like being alone//My mom didn't call me//my brothers didn't call me//Most of my friends...
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Thanks. Those kisses would have been much appreciated... even if there was a 3 hour delay.
You are too far away!!! smile
Yesterday in History of Anthro class, we watched a film about this woman, Sara Bartman, from the Hottentot or Koi Koi tribe in S. Africa.

She was given to the brother of her master in the early 1900's in Briain. Britain abolished slavery in 1918, but still had black servants just w/o ownership. Sarah Bartman was taken to

England b/c of the British facination w/ unusual sexual organs. They were up until this time (scientific community) defining humans by their similiar sexual organs, among other phenotypic characteristics.

Sara had a pronounced buttocks that was a facination to the Brits and French. She was put into a freak show and her keeper made money off of her, as millions lined up to see this woman unlike any they had ever seen.
It disgusted me and I felt depressed after seeing this film to say the least, I was angry. I am disgusted the way early Anthropologists treated her and made her different using science as a form of racism. I know it is different now, rather I hope it is. At this point I question being an Anthropologist. It doesn't have a noble beginning.

Although the scientific community was really trying to understand our species and tried to classify everything and everyone by how it appeared physically. Hence, the inception of racism not yet born, just in the gestation period. racism won't come about until the British immigrants start taking land from the Native Americans. Interestingly enough, the Brits do the same thing to the Irish a couple of hundreds of years before coming to America. The Irish were considered less than as a people to the Brits.

I just wanted to acknowledge Sara Bartman this morning and let some people know about her. After she died, Cuvier (an early Anthro/Scientist) had her body casted in a plastic form and cut her genitalia out as well as her brain. I really dislike Cuvier, he is the second ANthro/Scientist that I used to admire but have come to despise. Franz Boas is the secfond I have come to dislike. Mainly their ethics of obtaining data and materials for the scientific community.
Happy B-Day!!! and carry on!!!
The Sun Sign
is what most people know without a doubt. It is also (usually) the most obvious part of the personality. The Sun is the conscious self. It is the behavior one is most comfortable with. It is the every day, fair-weather self. But there is much more to you than your Sun Sign.... when emotions run high....

That's when the Moon Sign comes out.
We generally react in emotional situations according to the Moon Sign. This is the primal, subconscious self. You may even fantasize about behaving more like that sign, but it may not feel natural to you unless you're filled with happiness or sadness or anger. The Moon Sign also comes out when you feel very safe - either by yourself or with people you trust. But what about...

The Rising Sign?
This is the most difficult element of the chart to explain, but may be even more important than the Sun Sign. In a nutshell, it is the Higher Self. You came into this life with one of the 12 signs of the zodiac on the horizon. This sign represents your horizon - your aspirations, what you look for in the world, and what you want to reflect. It is not surprising that much of your outward appearance, or the way you present yourself to others is determined by the Rising Sign, (and also by any planets that were rising when you were born - the Sun, Moon and planets rule the Zodiac - so a person with Venus rising is much like a Libra or Taurus rising, and Moon rising is just like Cancer rising, etc.) We want to attract and bring into our lives that which we aspire to. A Libra rising person looks for beauty, equality and comfort - and his/her natural beauty and charm are helpful in bringing it. An Aries rising individual looks for excitement and new challenges. Her/his look of bold determination and fearlessness is conducive to finding it!

Why is the Rising Sign so important?
Once you discover why you have the particular Rising Sign you do, you will be on the road to realizing and sharing one of your most powerful gifts. It represents an important aspect of what you were born to work on perfecting in this life (it could take several lifetimes.) So, why does Scorpio Rising look for power, secrets and extreme emotions? Why does Aquarius Rising look for equality and brotherhood? Why does Sagittarius Rising look at the world with a wise, philosophical viewpoint? Click on your Sign below to find out..
This is my update::

started back to school today, taking History of ANthropology
Kodels and simulation (its to learn how to computate data gathered in the field, ie. social interactions), Marriage, kinship and gender in societies and a Lab.

Had sex twice this week and would like to continue this practice at leaast twice a week.

Riding my bicycle instead of driving my car.

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