so i found this pit bull on the side of i-5 a few months ago.he was an emaciated tortured mess.willingly he got into my car and i took him home.and you know what? he still remained the sweetest dog after all the abuse he endured.i gave him lots of love,put about 20 pounds on him,got him shots,and the other veteranary care he needed which cost me about $500.i was going to keep him but with work,school,a siberian husky,and the lack of a back yard(i live in a garage) i cant provide him with the life he deserves.
so i have been looking to find him a new home and i had a lot of offers but nobody ever came through.
ultimately i had no other option but to take him to the humane society.thats what i did tonight and it was horrible. the humane society doesnt euthanize unless the animal doesnt pass the health/behavior test which he would have so i figured he would get to a good home.but theres an exception to every rule.i used to work there although i was never aware of the pit bull regulation.some law only allows then to have up to 4 pit bulls in the facility and beyond that they have to be put to sleep.well there are more then 4 there right now,each one waiting their turn to take "the walk"
now my dog is sitting in a cement hole awaiting the same was devastating news.i couldnt stop crying,i still cant.
and i was informed of that after i had already signed him over so i couldnt take him back.
life has been one big disappointment after another lately.when it rains it fucking pours...
so i have been looking to find him a new home and i had a lot of offers but nobody ever came through.
ultimately i had no other option but to take him to the humane society.thats what i did tonight and it was horrible. the humane society doesnt euthanize unless the animal doesnt pass the health/behavior test which he would have so i figured he would get to a good home.but theres an exception to every rule.i used to work there although i was never aware of the pit bull regulation.some law only allows then to have up to 4 pit bulls in the facility and beyond that they have to be put to sleep.well there are more then 4 there right now,each one waiting their turn to take "the walk"
now my dog is sitting in a cement hole awaiting the same was devastating news.i couldnt stop crying,i still cant.
and i was informed of that after i had already signed him over so i couldnt take him back.
life has been one big disappointment after another lately.when it rains it fucking pours...
oh baby i'm so sorry . . . a few things you can do. 1. make a thread on the boards about someone adopting this dog. i'm not sure where you live, but there's a good chance that there's someone near you who might be able to take him in. 2) go back to the shelter and figure out whether they're legally required to tell you about this "pit bull rule" before you surrender the dog or not, cause i can't believe that they wouldn't be. figure out if there's any possible way they did something that voids the surrender contract . . . fuck i wish i could think of something else. i agree with what everyone else has said about pits above; i work at a shelter when i have time, and the 2 breeds we get the most by far are pits and rotties. and yes, they are also the ones most often put down, abused, starved, you name it. "oh we have a rotteweiler let's chain it outside all day and use it as a guard dog" - dogs are social animals, they can't survive like that, no wonder they start biting people . . . sorry for the vent. if there's ANYTHING at all you think i might be able to help you with, please email me . . . i've worked in/around a shelter, i'm pre-vet, blah blah, i guess i'm kinda sg's designated animal person. i hppe all goes well, so much love out to you and your puppy . . .
that is so horribly sad. i'm so sorry. i really hope that he gets adopted by someone. i don't like seeing homeless animals either, and i really don't like the thought of them being put to sleep because of some stupid rule.