Yesterday was my day off. I woke up early because my boss woke up late and our regional manager was waiting at our store (he doesnt have the key to our store, only boss and I does.) So its like 8:30, i get there around 9 to open the store... Yeah, our regional manager wasnt too happy... But I wasnt suppose to work that day, so while waiting for my boss to get there, I did the daily morning paper work for him. Then he got there and told me to leave. Our regional manager was surprised that I wasn't working that day... I think he has a thing for me, but I can't tell... He's really nice around me but apparently bitchy when I'm not... Anyways, I go back home to sleep in...
I ended up skating around the apartment complex for not too long because the sun was burning me up. So I drove over to the closest library and sat there for three hours, studying bird wings and sketching them... Also, reading about tattoos and tips and ideas... After that I ended up going over an old friends house to enjoy a short BBQ (it was her dads birthday.)
Then, she decides that she'll pay for my ticket to go see MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE at nations... But it was a crazy night. Like, I decided to drive her and her friends (they're all a bunch of high school kiddies, so I was like fuck this, I'm driving especially since we're going to DC.)
I stopped at a gas station to get gas, and I lost my cell phone...
I had put the phone on top of my car while getting gas and had forgotten about it, drove off to rt 7. I didn't realize until I was a good 15 minutes down the road and there was backed up traffic the other direction.... We called it, but it went straight to its voicemail (and I always have it on...) so it was definitely broken into an obvilion (is that how you spell it?)
We got lost for like two hours in downtown southeast DC which isn't the greatest place for a bunch of emo-ish, punk-ish, white suburban kids to get lost in.
The whole time, my friend was flipping out and was afraid of getting mugged--So I either yelled at her and told her that PEOPLE in DC were still chill PEOPLE or I'd say scary things like... "dude, see that empty warehouse... like what if we were like, lets go inside since its empty and cool... and then like one by one each of us disappears..." and then she'd freak out. I'd yell at her again, "dude, theres five of us IN A CAR, we'll be ok... UNLESS... something like grabbed each one of us out of the car, one by one.." Yeah, I'm an asshole and it's great.
We got there two hours late, but actually two hours perfectly because it was only the opening band that ended. MSI came on and they were awesome except I hated that it was an all-age show and I had to deal with a bunch of little girls and shit. Fucking kids. Bitching alot... I'll give you something to bitch about!
After the show ended, I got my shoe signed by Lyn Z, Kitty, and Jimmy... But not the guitarist (i think his name is steve)
but 3out of 4 aint bad. my etnies shoes will no longer be etnies... I'm sewing a MSI patch over the etnies branded tongue... They will be ... MSI SHOES! YES!
You know what's funny despite the bad (lost phone)/good (signed shoe) day?
I saw a bouncer there that I knew... Back when I was in high school, my best friend lived near this guy... And we all became friends... And I even did shit with this guy... And then he moved away... Now hes a bouncer at nations and we both were like, whoa, i know you! except, he was like, "ARE YOU HERE FOR THE SHOW?" I wanted to be like, "what show?" I hate dumb questions.
"I'd call customer service about my phone, too bad that number was in my phone."
I ended up skating around the apartment complex for not too long because the sun was burning me up. So I drove over to the closest library and sat there for three hours, studying bird wings and sketching them... Also, reading about tattoos and tips and ideas... After that I ended up going over an old friends house to enjoy a short BBQ (it was her dads birthday.)
Then, she decides that she'll pay for my ticket to go see MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE at nations... But it was a crazy night. Like, I decided to drive her and her friends (they're all a bunch of high school kiddies, so I was like fuck this, I'm driving especially since we're going to DC.)
I stopped at a gas station to get gas, and I lost my cell phone...

We got lost for like two hours in downtown southeast DC which isn't the greatest place for a bunch of emo-ish, punk-ish, white suburban kids to get lost in.
The whole time, my friend was flipping out and was afraid of getting mugged--So I either yelled at her and told her that PEOPLE in DC were still chill PEOPLE or I'd say scary things like... "dude, see that empty warehouse... like what if we were like, lets go inside since its empty and cool... and then like one by one each of us disappears..." and then she'd freak out. I'd yell at her again, "dude, theres five of us IN A CAR, we'll be ok... UNLESS... something like grabbed each one of us out of the car, one by one.." Yeah, I'm an asshole and it's great.
We got there two hours late, but actually two hours perfectly because it was only the opening band that ended. MSI came on and they were awesome except I hated that it was an all-age show and I had to deal with a bunch of little girls and shit. Fucking kids. Bitching alot... I'll give you something to bitch about!
After the show ended, I got my shoe signed by Lyn Z, Kitty, and Jimmy... But not the guitarist (i think his name is steve)

You know what's funny despite the bad (lost phone)/good (signed shoe) day?
I saw a bouncer there that I knew... Back when I was in high school, my best friend lived near this guy... And we all became friends... And I even did shit with this guy... And then he moved away... Now hes a bouncer at nations and we both were like, whoa, i know you! except, he was like, "ARE YOU HERE FOR THE SHOW?" I wanted to be like, "what show?" I hate dumb questions.
"I'd call customer service about my phone, too bad that number was in my phone."
I meant I'm not really used to getting much attention, So i don't really mind it when it happens
To a degree I guess I am.