Happy sundies people! Today I chose to rock my TMNT boy boxers. (Not even kidding! Boys aged 11-12 from asda. Surprise, Kel, you can fit your bubble butt into kids undies.)
So, updates. I've been working hard these past few months to go travelling, although a few of those plans have changed now due to fallings out and no reconciliation in sight. It's upsetting but probably for the best.
So I'm making the most of it and heading to Brighton and the south coast for possible house hunting, which is exciting. As much as I love Yorkshire, there is nothing left here for me now, and the only thing I can thing to do is move and start afresh. I've always loved the coast. So my search will start there whilst in visiting my godson and best friend.
I went to Manchester to see my friend Maria. I had a fabulous time catching up with her. I haven't seen her since we went to Paris, which was the most brilliant 24hrs. ^_^
I also went to see five finger death punch with my friend Rachael in London. What an amazing gig. Ffdp always please the crowd and are one of my favourite bands to see live.
I've also started to stretch my labret. It's a slow process but as of tomorrow I'll be up to a 3mm. I'm happy with the process and how it's healing.
I also got two more ear piercings. Another four and my ear will be complete. Then can start on the other one.