So, am back, albeit briefly. Work is kicking my ass. I haven't had time to see friends, go shopping, see family or kick back and chill out. This whole 'promotion thing' is going to kill me. I can see it happening. :/
SO, Whats new with me, I hear you cry out! (I know you didn't but I'm going to assume you did.)
I joined a dating site. I hate it. It makes me want to punch kittens in the face and cry a lot. I may have to take it down. Seriously, a lot of the men that take an interest in me are not the sort that I want in my life. And the guys that I am interested in never message me back. I'm begining to think it's a waste of time and should accept my fate. It's kinda sad, but as mentioned above, I don't have a lot of time for relationships, intimate ones or otherwise, and thought this would be the ideal solution. Sadly though, normal and intelligent human males seem to not be able to access these sites, as all I'm getting on a daily basis is cretinous messages and either comments on my hair or my height. Annoying and unoriginal.
Then there are the '50 Shades of Grey' types, that probably don't know one end of a spank paddle from the other, and seem to have acquired me as some sort of target. That's kinda unnerving at the best of times. So I may decide, unless Tom Hiddleston rides up on a white charger and whisks me off somewhere, that maybe the single life is for the best momentarily.
What else?
I took one of my residents from work to the coast for a long weekend not so long back. I spent most of my time in Scarborough, UK, in the sea, because it's the one thing that calms me. Water is my 'thing.' It was so lovely and peaceful and relaxing, almost not like work at all. My Res loves to go what we call 'fittie spotting' although her eye for 'man talent' needs training up some what.
I also went to Infest to see my friends playing for the band, Imperative Reaction. Well, that was a complete fuck up. I had been to see my friends that day and they assured me that they had got me a pass. I got to the venue a few hours later and my name had been already crossed off the list. So I started messaging my friends, asking which one of them had hooked up and given my pass away. Turned out to be the tour managers fault. :/ I had to do some grovelling to them afterwards. But We got drunk. Me and the American took the piss out of these two Italian groupies who insisted on hooking up with both my friends. Let's just say, when we got to the hotel, I was the only one in their room and they were left calling a cab home. ^_^ Fun times.
Me and my mom have also been looking kinto getting another dog as a playmate for Teeks. He's becoming very guarded recently and it's withering his personality somewhat. I'm hoping a playmate will chill him out a bit.
I haven't had that much to do apart from work. I saw my lovely SG wifey on Friday night. Will update later once I get the pics and vids off of my phone. They involved a lot of disappointment, alcohol and subsequent learning to pole dance at 4am. ^_^
But for now, I shall leave you guys with a few random pics from the last few weeks.

Sophies leaving do from my day job.



Work out results are making me a happy


OH, And just before I go...
Be back soon dear dear lovely people.
Cheebs. XXX
And you like Some like it hot