Sorry to get terribly British on you, but hasn't this weather been a stinker? Urgh. It's been absolutely dyer around here recently, nothing but clouds and rain, but at least it hasn't been cold. There is that to be thankful for. but today I woke up and the sun was out and it's my day off work, so far so good for today.

First off, I'd like to say a big thank you to Fische. Over a week ago I came to log into my account, and found that I had been unsubscribed to the site. I was mortified. Turns out it had been over a year since I had submitted a set and so my years free membership was up. (A whole year, how time does fly.) So I panicked and whinged for a bit, but thanks to Fische, who got me another three months complimentary membership, until I can catch up with the guys I worked with at London shootfest and chase up my sets. Currently, I'm the only attendee of London Shootfest who doesn't have a set up in member review, for various reasons.
On that note, I have been in contact with Snowy , who shot my last set on the last day of shootfest and she has confirmed that it shall be ready for submitting very shortly. So some good news! Hurrah!!
So, I've had had several mini adventures inbetween working my ass off recently. I'm grateful to be able to see my friends as much as I do at the moment. It's awesome catching up with them.
A few Thursdays ago I went to see my friend Jo, who runs Gothestro Radio. We were discussing various projects and schemes and she wanted to do some promo with a tattoo studio. the short version is, the tattooist, A lovely girl called Victoria, tattooed my feet for free. ^_^ I'm waiting to see how they heal before I get any promo shots in, but so far they're not looking bad.
The next night after work my friend Gez, who front death metal band Trifixion, but is also an insanely talented chef, had a booze and Sushi night at his place. It was phenominal. Me and my best friend Lala got heaving drunk and ended up in his bathtub together topless whilst a friend took pics. It was very surreal. But truely awesome. I had such a hangover the next morning. So very very brutal.
I've also been to the doctors to find out why i've been so lethargic all the time. they took some bloods and I find out the results later today. Hopefully it'll be something I can work on positively.
APOLOGIES for the next picture if you don't like needles.
Then on the Saturday i went to the Manchester SG meet. it was awesome to meet Changeling again. She is the cutest. Also met the lovely Daisy, SkyeAnnelise, and Felis, as well as a few of the members of the site. Also got to catch up with my fiesty wifey, Nanci, which is always lovely. <3
Recently I've seen quite a few girls selling prints, to make a bit of extra money, which I think is an amazing idea, but I wouldn't want to do it unless there were people interested. Obviously, we're still in the tail of a recession, so if I were to offer prints, would anyone actually be interested? Just a wonder. Obviously all would be limited, signed, with a letter of thanks and personal instax. Just throwing it out there to see who would be interested.
Remember you can stalk me on:
Facebook: UK SG Hopefuls
Facebook: My Own Page
Until next time,
Cheebs. XOXOX