A couple of things worth mentioning I think...
As some of you may know I work, part time and for free, for my friends' radio station, Gothestro Radio, reviewing gigs, albums and sometimes I get the privalage of interviewing bands for them. This month alone I was asked to go interview KMFDM frontman Sacha Koneitzko at their show @ Manchester Academy 3 on 21.4.13; and Hatebreed guitarist Frank Novinec at their gig @ Manchester Academy 2 on 30.4.13.
Sacha was a very quiet man but very lovely and accomodating. The gig was pretty amazing (I've still to write up the review for the gig and new album but when I find the time I shall get right on it.) My interview for them should be right up shortly.
Some pics from that gig:

Hatebreed were also immense.So very brutal and sweaty and full of big guys with beards.

Me with frank

Demoraliser, excellent support band.

Check out the website at www.gothestroradio.co.uk. Loads more to come.

Also I've had a few good nights out with my girls recently. Something I need to curb if I'm heading to Download fest and Germany later on in the year. A few pics from those:
Also had coffee with the gorgeous Nanci whilst I was in Manchester. She is a real delight to be around and I love our coffee based catch ups. Also bugging the fuck out of starbucks staff for three hours. ^_^
We've had some lovely summery days here in the UK.
But unfortunately for me, because I am so fair skinned I burn easily, even with factor 20 on!
Also got to spend some time with my god-daughter, as my hours have temporarily been lessened at work.
Isn't she just so cute? I love her so much it's unreal.
Well, thats it for now I think. I shall leave you with some random pics.
The only time blue eyebrows ever worked for me...
All my love guys, til the next time.
PSST! I'm also on:
Twitter: @Chibbi_SG
Instagram: chibbi_sg
Tumblr: MissChibbiSG
Facebook: UK SG Hopefuls
AND Facebook: My own page.
Coming soon....