I haven't updated my journal in a while. And I'd like to think someone out there missed me.. but I"m a realist.
So.. um.. I'm updating it. And now I'm going to get another beer. And, no, it's not good beer. I'm not going to tell you what I'm drinking, because if there's one thing I hate, it's being humiliated by Portlanders.
So.. um.. I'm updating it. And now I'm going to get another beer. And, no, it's not good beer. I'm not going to tell you what I'm drinking, because if there's one thing I hate, it's being humiliated by Portlanders.
Awesome to hear from you. Like "Fuck yeah! Jessica wrote in my journal again!" I don't know why that gets me so excited.. maybe I need to take a sedative.
Anyway, "uncomposed idiot" is a lot of fun too and I've got your back either way
I haven't really taken any "status tests" like the Mensa thing. I just mean that drugs didn't even slightly inhibit my ability to ace a calculus final or get the highest grade on a history midterm without cracking the book. What drugs did do is mellow me out and give me a better perspective on life. So my conclusion is: do drugs.
If you look better in person than in print than I don't know if I could talk to you for five minutes without getting some kind of total system overload.. like an aneurysm or something