I didn't get the job. I blame Apple One. No, I blame myself for GOING to Apple One.
Also, fuck boys. BOYS. I've always hated the comparison of men and boys, but I'm starting to believe there is some truth to the maddess. A man will step up and take responsibility if to blame or asked a question. Not run away and not respond. Not pretend to be a friend then ignore you. FFFUUUUUUU!!!!! I am NOT in High School anymore. Grow a pair, step up and tell me what the fuck you're thinking.
So until I happen upon one of those few and lesser known "guys"... I'm all about me and what makes me happy. I'm so tired of being heartbroken over stupid bullshit and I'm tired of being a jaded bitch. Cause I really am a nice girl.
And if having fun sex or just flirting and having a hot touchy feely make out session makes me happy, so be it. SO BE IT!!!!!!
Also, fuck boys. BOYS. I've always hated the comparison of men and boys, but I'm starting to believe there is some truth to the maddess. A man will step up and take responsibility if to blame or asked a question. Not run away and not respond. Not pretend to be a friend then ignore you. FFFUUUUUUU!!!!! I am NOT in High School anymore. Grow a pair, step up and tell me what the fuck you're thinking.
So until I happen upon one of those few and lesser known "guys"... I'm all about me and what makes me happy. I'm so tired of being heartbroken over stupid bullshit and I'm tired of being a jaded bitch. Cause I really am a nice girl.
