Things seem to be looking up.
I had a job interview yesterday after work and I think it went very well. Cross your fingers! Its a pharmacy tech help desk position w/ $3 more in pay and better hours. Also w/ the chance of some OT on Saturdays which I will GLADY take. I need to start saving money for so many things... including furniture. I have no dressers, desk anything. Just a bed. Boo...since I decided to try and stick it out here in Vegas, I need at least a few things. I've always traveled light since I seem to just pack my car up with what I owned and flee. Not this time fucker. YOU GO! hehe and he kinda did, all the way to fucking Boulder City w/ Grandma.
Suck it.
Also have a very nice friend I've been seeing for about 3 weeks now. Since I'm not ready for any type of relationship, its good to have this available. Once last Wednesday, 3 times on Sunday and 3 more times today. NICE! Thank you my little brown video game boy. I do really appreciate it.
You're such a giver! haha Not to mention Claim Jumper and Olive Garden after the deed was done. Double nice. He really is adorable though and an amazing cuddler. hehe
I would like to date someone though. Someone with similar interests to go to bars with or some shows. Seems so far, like thats very dificult to find though. I can find people who I can sleep with or who want to date me, but no one who wants to go do those things. All the friends I've made here with in the past year or so are amazing people and I really do enjoy their company, but we're not into the same things. And thats really starting to get to me. -- What I REALLY want is someone cute, who I can go out with on a regular basis, listens to the same music I do, smokes, drinks, and will hold hands and kiss me while we're out. Come over and watch movies/tv on a Wednesday night or sleep over on the weekends and cuddle. -- I really didnt think that was being too picky, but apparently it is. For shame.
It may seem like I want another boyfriend, I DON'T. They can see other people, I dont care. We dont have to spend every day or weekend together. Remember, I have my own fun group of friends. But I would like to be able to bring them to a party w/ my friends. That'd be nice. Meh...
I had a job interview yesterday after work and I think it went very well. Cross your fingers! Its a pharmacy tech help desk position w/ $3 more in pay and better hours. Also w/ the chance of some OT on Saturdays which I will GLADY take. I need to start saving money for so many things... including furniture. I have no dressers, desk anything. Just a bed. Boo...since I decided to try and stick it out here in Vegas, I need at least a few things. I've always traveled light since I seem to just pack my car up with what I owned and flee. Not this time fucker. YOU GO! hehe and he kinda did, all the way to fucking Boulder City w/ Grandma.

Also have a very nice friend I've been seeing for about 3 weeks now. Since I'm not ready for any type of relationship, its good to have this available. Once last Wednesday, 3 times on Sunday and 3 more times today. NICE! Thank you my little brown video game boy. I do really appreciate it.

I would like to date someone though. Someone with similar interests to go to bars with or some shows. Seems so far, like thats very dificult to find though. I can find people who I can sleep with or who want to date me, but no one who wants to go do those things. All the friends I've made here with in the past year or so are amazing people and I really do enjoy their company, but we're not into the same things. And thats really starting to get to me. -- What I REALLY want is someone cute, who I can go out with on a regular basis, listens to the same music I do, smokes, drinks, and will hold hands and kiss me while we're out. Come over and watch movies/tv on a Wednesday night or sleep over on the weekends and cuddle. -- I really didnt think that was being too picky, but apparently it is. For shame.


I'll keep it free until you tell me otherwise. I'd much rather go with a Rollins fan than someone who's in it for a free show. 

Better than I expected but still kind of odd. All I'm going to be able to think about when I see her from now on are the things we did.