Total loss on my record and I found a way to get full coverage on my new car for $103.19
Hell week is over. For now...till the expansion comes out. Damn it.
I'm so tired....hella tired for that matter.
Gave my dog a new sock to play with. He's freaking out with joy like its crack. So cute and amusing.
I'm running out of foundation, face lotion, and deodorant all at the same time. You're fascinated, I know.
I've re-fallen in love with
Apparently I'm a freaking rock star at work, and the customers love me. My scores and surveys tell me so.
Oh yeah, and hairspray. Almost out of that too.
My dog ate my bottle of red dye shampoo. Spilled on my bed. Looks like blood. Not cool Zeus.
wow....forgot I was typing this....3 hours later. Drinking time....peace
Hell week is over. For now...till the expansion comes out. Damn it.
I'm so tired....hella tired for that matter.
Gave my dog a new sock to play with. He's freaking out with joy like its crack. So cute and amusing.
I'm running out of foundation, face lotion, and deodorant all at the same time. You're fascinated, I know.
I've re-fallen in love with
Apparently I'm a freaking rock star at work, and the customers love me. My scores and surveys tell me so.
Oh yeah, and hairspray. Almost out of that too.
My dog ate my bottle of red dye shampoo. Spilled on my bed. Looks like blood. Not cool Zeus.
wow....forgot I was typing this....3 hours later. Drinking time....peace
No... if you sent me a couple I'd be your slave forever though.

Really? Maybe I need to start drinking more.