I cleared out my friends list. Some are still there, even though I dont talk to....well...just about everyone.
I get to drive to Carson tomorrow to pick up an old friend who I havent seen in 10 years.
We think the plans are/have fallen through for my roommates birthday. Didnt get the room at Pechanga in time. Its too expensive now and our friend said she could have her friend who worked there hook us up, at least a bit...nope. And were supposed to go out tomorrow night. I dont know whats happening. All I know, is I want her to have a good time...but there no way in hell im drinking and driving. Sucks.
Im tired as hell. Havent slept well AT ALL the past WEEK. Working overtime everywhere I can...no matter how far or how much ive worked that day/week already. I should go to bed now. Since I have to be up at 7am tomorrow, work 8 hours, then drive in the lovely Easter weekend traffic 70 miles to and back. The stay up to the wee hours drinking or doing something.....yuck..SLEEP!!!! HOW I MISS YOU!!
Ive gone off my b/c pill. Its been about a week now. Lets see if I can get back that libido thing I keep hearing about. Its been gone for quite a long time. Dont even remember what it looks like anymore....hmmm I know. I'll snuggle up tonight wearing these soft, comfy green pants I got here and remember.
Btw....I got this new bra. Which I didnt realise at the time I bought it...was a fucking push-up bra. I thought it was just the padding you can take out...which I usually do. But HOLY JEBUS! MY BOOBS LOOK AMAZING! haha yeah baby....
I get to drive to Carson tomorrow to pick up an old friend who I havent seen in 10 years.
We think the plans are/have fallen through for my roommates birthday. Didnt get the room at Pechanga in time. Its too expensive now and our friend said she could have her friend who worked there hook us up, at least a bit...nope. And were supposed to go out tomorrow night. I dont know whats happening. All I know, is I want her to have a good time...but there no way in hell im drinking and driving. Sucks.
Im tired as hell. Havent slept well AT ALL the past WEEK. Working overtime everywhere I can...no matter how far or how much ive worked that day/week already. I should go to bed now. Since I have to be up at 7am tomorrow, work 8 hours, then drive in the lovely Easter weekend traffic 70 miles to and back. The stay up to the wee hours drinking or doing something.....yuck..SLEEP!!!! HOW I MISS YOU!!
Ive gone off my b/c pill. Its been about a week now. Lets see if I can get back that libido thing I keep hearing about. Its been gone for quite a long time. Dont even remember what it looks like anymore....hmmm I know. I'll snuggle up tonight wearing these soft, comfy green pants I got here and remember.
Btw....I got this new bra. Which I didnt realise at the time I bought it...was a fucking push-up bra. I thought it was just the padding you can take out...which I usually do. But HOLY JEBUS! MY BOOBS LOOK AMAZING! haha yeah baby....
Push up bra's are soo much fun, even if you dont need them, haha. yay for boobies!!!!
Happy Easter dollface!!!!!!! x0x0