1. $800 back from taxes. WOO!!
2. My roommates brought home some girl from a Club Silk Thrusday night. She didnt leave till yesterday afternoon. It was interesting to say the least. I new she was bi since 8th grade but it was just weird seeing some girl walking down stairs in the morning, knowing she was her's. heh.
3. Heard a funny/sick story the other day at work from one of the pharmacists: A girl came into the pharmacy for a prescription. Pharmacists usually ask why they are using this medicatation, to better councel. Well...she had met a guy at a bar and went home with him. A few days later she noticed some sores in her mouth so she went to the doctors. The doctor called her back 2 days later with results.. "You need to find this guy immediatly" "Why, she asked" "well" said the doctor..."You have a paracite in your mouth that is usually only found on dead bodys" ----The guy worked at a morutary.
4. Oh, fuck yeah! Now I can go grocerie shoping and pay my fucking car insurance....yes! (sorry, delayed responce to taxes)
5. Found Velvet Undergrounds "Heroin" online and downloaded that shit with a quickness. Has to be one of my all time favorite songs.
6. I guess were supposed to have a BBQ today with that girl (rm's new chicky) and some of her friends. Damn me for not being gay.
7. Stuffed our faces with Sushi again last night. $85 bill later...but we were fat and happy. Wussed out on the Sakibomb.
8. And thats pretty much it. Yup...
2. My roommates brought home some girl from a Club Silk Thrusday night. She didnt leave till yesterday afternoon. It was interesting to say the least. I new she was bi since 8th grade but it was just weird seeing some girl walking down stairs in the morning, knowing she was her's. heh.
3. Heard a funny/sick story the other day at work from one of the pharmacists: A girl came into the pharmacy for a prescription. Pharmacists usually ask why they are using this medicatation, to better councel. Well...she had met a guy at a bar and went home with him. A few days later she noticed some sores in her mouth so she went to the doctors. The doctor called her back 2 days later with results.. "You need to find this guy immediatly" "Why, she asked" "well" said the doctor..."You have a paracite in your mouth that is usually only found on dead bodys" ----The guy worked at a morutary.

4. Oh, fuck yeah! Now I can go grocerie shoping and pay my fucking car insurance....yes! (sorry, delayed responce to taxes)
5. Found Velvet Undergrounds "Heroin" online and downloaded that shit with a quickness. Has to be one of my all time favorite songs.
6. I guess were supposed to have a BBQ today with that girl (rm's new chicky) and some of her friends. Damn me for not being gay.
7. Stuffed our faces with Sushi again last night. $85 bill later...but we were fat and happy. Wussed out on the Sakibomb.
8. And thats pretty much it. Yup...

4 was funny