Okay, on to a different entry. Moods come and go too often to sit and see that each time I log on.
Finally got my car registered. The Torrance DMV isnt nearly as bad as Norco. I like the Appointment line much much better. But jebus..I loathe the DMV either way.
Um...got a free Starbucks. I remember seeing it on my reciept from Vons. It made my yesterday.
One of my customers came in yesterday and gave me this little magnetic puppy (gives hugs sortof) and a huge box of chocolates for Christmas. Made my day even more.
Yesterday was just an all around good day. I dont know why. I was happy, and there was LOTS of work needed to be done at work, people were nice, no traffic. It was a nice change and I sooo welcomed it.
We wraped Christmas presents for the kids the other night. We did good. Theres so much stuff for them. At least 15 gifts each. Some pretty good stuff too. Lots of Dora.
I cant wait to start my new job in Hemet. Im not too fond of the city itself though. But just getting back in there fulltime and all. New customers and new people. I am scared though. I have a way of doing things at work, that work for me. I dont like change or deal with it very well. Plus I got SO FUCKING PUMPED UP by my manager and my file that im scared I wont live up to what theyre thinking I am. I mean, im a damn good worker and I do my job as best I can. I go out of the way for the customers and the company...i dont know. Change.
11:20am...he's still sleaping! Wake up! I wanna go do something. This is my friend GargamelEatSmurf . Say hi. He's been inactive to too too long. Wtf? Ive been staying with him while working in Torrance. The drive from my house to Torrance is too much for an everyday thing. Expecially with my pay. But he's been helping me out a lot with this. Ive been here a little over a month I think. On and off a few days. We're supposed to go car shopping today. I called my wife (yes, were married. By a minister and all haha), Jessica, down in San Diego. She wants me to drive down there so she can help him out. She works at Mossy Nisson. I guess they pay for your gas if youre a serious buyer. Right on. But damn man, from Anaheim to San Diego...shit.
okay, I have to figure something out to do. Maybe by the time I get all showerd and ready, he'll be up...maybe. blah. heh.
Im in another really good mood today. Whats the deal?
*update* 2pm. Yay! I got to shave his head. I dont know why, I have no clue..but ive been wanting to shave his head since I met him like 3 years ago. Finally, right now, he let me. Wasnt as much fun as it is shaving my own head. Now, we go eat Sushi. mmmm
I didnt know we were two months behind on our internet/cabel bill. $312 ouch. We had an appointment for tomorrow for them to come and pick up the modem. I didnt know it was NOT an appointment but a workorder to come and cut the line. They had shut everything off this morning. I called them right now and paid $96 to get it turned back on and canel the work order. Then we have to pay the rest at with in 2 weeks or so. Once more, I hate the holidays. These last few months have been so tough on us both. All starting with our roomate skipping out on rent. But....im looking forward to 2006 very bad. Things seem to be looking up as I finally got that job and our 3rd roomate seems to like to pay his bills on time and is a pretty good guy. 3rd times a charm right? Im saying I have till April when our lease is up to finish my diploma to get a Tech's license. Then we can maybe move back to Torrance/Redondo Beach since I will be able to get a better job making more money. Wishful thinking, but it keeps me going and keeps a smile on my face. Who wants to think about bad times ahead when you can work your ass off at trying to make a better life?
Finally got my car registered. The Torrance DMV isnt nearly as bad as Norco. I like the Appointment line much much better. But jebus..I loathe the DMV either way.
Um...got a free Starbucks. I remember seeing it on my reciept from Vons. It made my yesterday.
One of my customers came in yesterday and gave me this little magnetic puppy (gives hugs sortof) and a huge box of chocolates for Christmas. Made my day even more.
Yesterday was just an all around good day. I dont know why. I was happy, and there was LOTS of work needed to be done at work, people were nice, no traffic. It was a nice change and I sooo welcomed it.
We wraped Christmas presents for the kids the other night. We did good. Theres so much stuff for them. At least 15 gifts each. Some pretty good stuff too. Lots of Dora.
I cant wait to start my new job in Hemet. Im not too fond of the city itself though. But just getting back in there fulltime and all. New customers and new people. I am scared though. I have a way of doing things at work, that work for me. I dont like change or deal with it very well. Plus I got SO FUCKING PUMPED UP by my manager and my file that im scared I wont live up to what theyre thinking I am. I mean, im a damn good worker and I do my job as best I can. I go out of the way for the customers and the company...i dont know. Change.
11:20am...he's still sleaping! Wake up! I wanna go do something. This is my friend GargamelEatSmurf . Say hi. He's been inactive to too too long. Wtf? Ive been staying with him while working in Torrance. The drive from my house to Torrance is too much for an everyday thing. Expecially with my pay. But he's been helping me out a lot with this. Ive been here a little over a month I think. On and off a few days. We're supposed to go car shopping today. I called my wife (yes, were married. By a minister and all haha), Jessica, down in San Diego. She wants me to drive down there so she can help him out. She works at Mossy Nisson. I guess they pay for your gas if youre a serious buyer. Right on. But damn man, from Anaheim to San Diego...shit.
okay, I have to figure something out to do. Maybe by the time I get all showerd and ready, he'll be up...maybe. blah. heh.
Im in another really good mood today. Whats the deal?
*update* 2pm. Yay! I got to shave his head. I dont know why, I have no clue..but ive been wanting to shave his head since I met him like 3 years ago. Finally, right now, he let me. Wasnt as much fun as it is shaving my own head. Now, we go eat Sushi. mmmm
I didnt know we were two months behind on our internet/cabel bill. $312 ouch. We had an appointment for tomorrow for them to come and pick up the modem. I didnt know it was NOT an appointment but a workorder to come and cut the line. They had shut everything off this morning. I called them right now and paid $96 to get it turned back on and canel the work order. Then we have to pay the rest at with in 2 weeks or so. Once more, I hate the holidays. These last few months have been so tough on us both. All starting with our roomate skipping out on rent. But....im looking forward to 2006 very bad. Things seem to be looking up as I finally got that job and our 3rd roomate seems to like to pay his bills on time and is a pretty good guy. 3rd times a charm right? Im saying I have till April when our lease is up to finish my diploma to get a Tech's license. Then we can maybe move back to Torrance/Redondo Beach since I will be able to get a better job making more money. Wishful thinking, but it keeps me going and keeps a smile on my face. Who wants to think about bad times ahead when you can work your ass off at trying to make a better life?
shaved heads sushi, work wrapping paper, chocolate, cars and magnetic puppies......
see now i am wondering where the midgits come in to this story...
glad to see you rambling on and happy. oh and you know you're going to rock at your new job, peace out.