had to go on migraine meds this week. fucking headache lasted 9 days
. pills are my friend right now. i even had to sign a slip of paper saying i recieved them, because they are apparently a controlled substance. hooray for narcotics!
on a significantly less painful note, i started playing a new MMORPG. Rubies of Eventide. awesome graphics, great sound, excellent crafting system... all around great game. and the best part? its free. also the woman who did the in-game music is really hot. i cant help but think of Jade from PvP.
i should finally be leaving for maine in a few weeks. i will miss very few things about this shithole state. the beach is probably on the top of the list.
also the amazing array of foods from different cultures. i wont miss the goddamned bugs or the nuclear-strength sun.... i got 3rd degree burns from being out in it for an hour without sunblock. and i never burn. ever.
new fav music: the Quuanum (sp?) collective
new fav movie: Lost in Translation
new fav book: Eats, Shoots and Leaves
edited: basic spelling skills eluded me yet again

on a significantly less painful note, i started playing a new MMORPG. Rubies of Eventide. awesome graphics, great sound, excellent crafting system... all around great game. and the best part? its free. also the woman who did the in-game music is really hot. i cant help but think of Jade from PvP.
i should finally be leaving for maine in a few weeks. i will miss very few things about this shithole state. the beach is probably on the top of the list.
also the amazing array of foods from different cultures. i wont miss the goddamned bugs or the nuclear-strength sun.... i got 3rd degree burns from being out in it for an hour without sunblock. and i never burn. ever.
new fav music: the Quuanum (sp?) collective
new fav movie: Lost in Translation
new fav book: Eats, Shoots and Leaves
edited: basic spelling skills eluded me yet again
Wow I am having a really weird Deja vu moments right now.
Anyway, I was just back in MA this summer. Damn I miss it there. I never thought I would miss it this much. *shrug* who knew?
both ladies are gorgeous and that's not the first time i've been told i resemble one or both of them: most often i've been told i look like fairuza mixed with neve campbell (what's up with that.... apparantly it's because of that movie called the craft)....i've also heard fairuza mixed with angelina jolee...
so i guess i really look like fairuza mixed with ______(insert the name of pretty brunette actress here)