may soon be taking a bus x-country from WA to ME. loooong trip, but will be able to see a lot of the country. any ideas/suggestions for reading material/music?
actually i came across your name in the divorce sucks group talking about taking care of your daughter and wanting custody , i think i admire a man that can have the responsibility and balls to go for that more than anything else.its just a very good quality its amazing to me how some dads can just give up on kids when the mother is totally not the best choice but they just go with it .
and dont ever belive your anywhere near worthless because if you do the right thing for that little girl she will never in her life think that about you and thats all that matters.
hah! i can get deep too....if you ever feel like chatting just hit me up on yahoo dreamer7725 or aim shadylady2377 cuz it totally does help to just vent
and dont ever belive your anywhere near worthless because if you do the right thing for that little girl she will never in her life think that about you and thats all that matters.
hah! i can get deep too....if you ever feel like chatting just hit me up on yahoo dreamer7725 or aim shadylady2377 cuz it totally does help to just vent