my wife called me a few minutes ago from louisiana to tell me what time she needed me to get her from the airport on monday. she then proceeded to tell me that her 'boyfriend', who she couldnt have met more than a month ago was going to stay with us. fuck that.
up until now i have been very patient and understanding as far as her seeing other guys while we were seperated, but this is going too far. up until now, i wanted to work things out despite her having cheated on me 8 times (that i know of), but this was it for me. i love(d) her so much that i was willing to stick around to make things easier as far as child care and whatnot while we were seperated, all the while having to see her going out with and even at one point bringing a guy home. i cant even concieve of how a person, let alone the mother of my child, could think that this was an ok or appropriate thing to do.
if she tries to make a big fuss out of things, i can and will charge her with adultery in the Military Court. as a result of that, not only would she be dishonorably discharged, she would likely go to jail. i really dont want to have to do that, but if it comes to that point, then so be it.
i also am going to file for full physical custody of our daughter as soon as i am finished my military training and have set up a place to live. i cant wait for her reaction to that one.
like any of you need to hear my problems, as i am sure some of you have your own to deal with, but it helps to get this out.
i might as well just be gay and be done with women altogether. that or get one of those 'man's ruin' tats.
my wife called me a few minutes ago from louisiana to tell me what time she needed me to get her from the airport on monday. she then proceeded to tell me that her 'boyfriend', who she couldnt have met more than a month ago was going to stay with us. fuck that.
up until now i have been very patient and understanding as far as her seeing other guys while we were seperated, but this is going too far. up until now, i wanted to work things out despite her having cheated on me 8 times (that i know of), but this was it for me. i love(d) her so much that i was willing to stick around to make things easier as far as child care and whatnot while we were seperated, all the while having to see her going out with and even at one point bringing a guy home. i cant even concieve of how a person, let alone the mother of my child, could think that this was an ok or appropriate thing to do.
if she tries to make a big fuss out of things, i can and will charge her with adultery in the Military Court. as a result of that, not only would she be dishonorably discharged, she would likely go to jail. i really dont want to have to do that, but if it comes to that point, then so be it.
i also am going to file for full physical custody of our daughter as soon as i am finished my military training and have set up a place to live. i cant wait for her reaction to that one.
like any of you need to hear my problems, as i am sure some of you have your own to deal with, but it helps to get this out.
i might as well just be gay and be done with women altogether. that or get one of those 'man's ruin' tats.
stay strong. live well - the best revenge.