It's a damn great day to turn 29!!! Normally, women dread this particular birthday. Society tells us at a very young age, that this is it. The last year of your youth. It's over the hill from here..well FUCK society..maybe society should find out what it is like to know that you weren't supposed to get to have this birthday. I'm so happy that I've cried on and off about this. Fuck, guys..I did it. I shouldn't be having this birthday and I am! I'm playin by MY RULES from this day forward and that's all there is to it.
Love you all!
Hugs and sunny surf,
oh and got a new blog up!! Panda Butt
Love you all!
Hugs and sunny surf,
oh and got a new blog up!! Panda Butt
Many more to come, ok.
Happy Birthday!