so i'm trying to think up a clever name for a personal blog spot on wordpress. any suggestions? I want something incorporating my southern roots, tattoos, tiki, surf, and attitude. thoughts? here are some of my faves that I've come up with.
PTSD (Pretty tattooed surf diva)
Little Southern Fried Surf Java
Dirty South Surf Mouth
A bit O Southern Fried Rail Bang (rail bang is when you wipe out on your surfboard and you take it between the legs...basically, your board racks the shit outta ya.)
I would really love to have "southern Fried" in the name...why??? Because virtually ANYTHING that is southern fried is automatically better. its soul food, ya see. think about many things are deep fried and then they are better?? chicken, poptatoes, candy bars, twinkies, etc. its aaaaallll better fried.)
and, if I pick your name, I will def. give you props for helping me out. I'm strugglin here!!! suggestions please!!!
I wanna get this project started yo!
it motivates me to get out of bed every day since i can't surf out here in the middle of BFE.
PTSD (Pretty tattooed surf diva)
Little Southern Fried Surf Java
Dirty South Surf Mouth
A bit O Southern Fried Rail Bang (rail bang is when you wipe out on your surfboard and you take it between the legs...basically, your board racks the shit outta ya.)
I would really love to have "southern Fried" in the name...why??? Because virtually ANYTHING that is southern fried is automatically better. its soul food, ya see. think about many things are deep fried and then they are better?? chicken, poptatoes, candy bars, twinkies, etc. its aaaaallll better fried.)
and, if I pick your name, I will def. give you props for helping me out. I'm strugglin here!!! suggestions please!!!
I wanna get this project started yo!
it motivates me to get out of bed every day since i can't surf out here in the middle of BFE.
Of course, if you're into rhymes, the obvious choice would be Southern Fried Suicide, or in a non SG suggestion, Bona Fide Southern Fried (but then you sound like a fast food restaurant). Or Southern Fried Survivor Pride. You can just go on and on.... Oh well, I defer to everyone else's better ideas