so i get this letter in the mail today saying i'm supposed to appear in court on feb. 4th in killeen tx because I failed to microchip a dog i had adopted from the pound. class c misdemeanor so no more than a 500 fine, but um...yeah... i don't have the dog anymore, nor do I live in texas. they didn't even mail the notice to the correct address. seriously. i'm glad i'm not in tx little contract said get him shots and get him fixed. so i did. got the letter today and pulled the contract back out. i failed to see the chicken scratch written in that says "chiptat" guess i was supposed to figure out what that meant. I'll just have to call texas tomorrow and say hey, i am in cali and i don't own that dog anymore. bah.
Nice meeting you this eve.
Killeen sucks! That's all I have to say