I am pretty pissed about what has gone down on this site and am seriously considering leaving. rules only seem to apply to certain individuals and the free content scamming is a breach of contract on SG's part. (I asked an attorney about it.) I've met some awesome girls on here, but unfortunately, I've met more girls that can't get out of a highschool mentality and like to belittle, smack talk and name call other girls. I'm sorry...I graduated Highschool over 7 years ago. I have no desire to relive it. I'm so disappointed in some of the girls. I really am. I won't name any names, but I'm sure they know who they are. I'm also pissed at SG staff for having condoned it. I loved being an SG and I was so excited to be a part of it. Now it's all been ruined because of the cliques and all that kind of crap on here. Why there are over 1,000 models I don't know. It should really just be a site for the few select staff favorites. we'll see what happens, i guess.
So you can understand why I'm hesitant to buy anything that has 'SG' on it. The only reason I even contemplate it is because the money goes to you.
I just wish you the best, for any choice you make...